We’re so excited to reconnect in the new year and share a fabulous spread of seasonal dishes together! Bring your favorite ready-to-serve appetizer, entree, salad, dessert, wine or non-alcoholic beverage. Let us know you can come and what you will be bringing by clicking here. Sunday, January 21, 1 to 4 p.m. Home of Linda Roth, 4019 Lorcom Lane, Arlington, Va. 202-288-1469. Directions/parking/metro info available on sign-up link.
Join us for our annual SUMMER POTLUCK! DATE: Sunday, August 13 TIME: 1 - 4 pm PLACE: At the home of Linda Roth, 4019 Lorcom Lane, Arlington, Virginia 22207. Tel. 202-288-1469 We're so excited to be able to get together and reconnect and enjoy a fabulous spread of summer dishes. You won't want to miss it!! Bring your favorite ready-to-serve "al fresco" appetizer, main entree, salad, dessert, wine or non-alcoholic beverage. Dames only please. Let us know that you can come and what you will bring by clicking the RSVP button below. Click here to RSVP! DIRECTIONS/PARKING: Linda's home is located at the intersection of Randolph Road and Lorcom Lane. There is street parking on Lorcom Lane, and an entrance by the gate which leads directly to the garden and kitchen (no steps). There is also street parking on Randolph Road where the front door is, close to the dining room. Both entrances are good to use. METRO DIRECTIONS: The closest metro stop is Virginia Square. From there walk .4 mile to North Quincy Street and 10th Street North. Take the #53A Bus towards East Falls Church Metro. Get off at Military Road and North Lorcom Lane. Walk .1 mile to the intersection of Lorcom Lane and Randolph Road. Photo: Deb Lindsey Join us on Sunday December 11 from 1-4 p.m. at the home of Lori Gardner for our WINTER POTLUCK! We're so excited to be able to get together and reconnect and enjoy a fabulous spread of festive seasonal dishes. You won't want to miss it!! Bring your favorite ready-to- serve appetizer, main entree, salad, dessert, wine or non-alcoholic beverage. Dames only please.
Let us know that you can come and what you are bringing by clicking on the blue button below. Click here to RSVP! DATE: Sunday, December 11thTIME: 1 - 4 pm PLACE: At the home of Lori Gardner, 13521 Coachlamp Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20906. Tel. (301) 526-2785 METRO DIRECTIONS: One mile from the Wheaton/Glenmont metro station. Celebrate with sister Dames at the always fun and delicious potluck. Lori Gardner will be hosting at her home at 13521 Coachlamp Lane in Silver Spring. Sunday, December 11, 1 to 4 p.m. Invitation to come.
Summer Potluck: Save the date for the always popular and delicious summer potluck. It’ll be held on Sunday, August 14 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the home of Linda Roth. Dames only. More details to follow.
Join us for a Zoom celebration of summer's bounty! Choose one of your favorite ingredients from a local farmers market and prepare a dish for the dinner. Or perhaps you have produce or herbs from your own garden you would like to use. Alternatively, order takeout from a local restaurant --preferably Dames owned or Dames affiliated-- featuring a seasonal ingredient. (The Wild Apricot Directory is your best source for identifying Dame restaurateurs.) Hope to 'see' you there! Please let us know if you are planning to participate. Click here if we will see you on Zoom and send us a quick "yes" by email. On August 24, use the Zoom Meeting Link, ID, and passcode below to log-on for a special evening together. DATE: Monday, August 24 TIME: 7 p.m. LINK TO JOIN ZOOM MEETING: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87609702476?pwd=RzBGblhVV0RrOVIvdEhwenFxT2tiZz09 Meeting ID: 876 0970 2476 Passcode: 107134 One tap mobile +13017158592,,87609702476#,,,,,,0#,,107134# US (Germantown) POTLUCK WITH A STORY - A VIRTUAL EVENT FOR DAMES ONLY - Deadline is this Wednesday to submit your recipe!
Everyone has a story to tell about a family recipe, something learned from a grandmother or favorite relative, perhaps served at Sunday suppers or special occasions. No matter where we grew up, we all have memories of sharing food with family.For our annual summer potluck (this year on Zoom), we’d like to invite you to share a story about a favorite family recipe. We also strongly encourage you to make the dish and “bring” it to the potluck—we can’t taste it but we’d love to see it! It will all be a lovely way to get to know each other better. We also plan to collate the recipes into a collection of all our traditions, and post them online for members. Please send the recipe (with a short introduction about it) by Wednesday, July 15 to Karen Lippold at [email protected]. Membership committee member Taueret Thomas will act as host for the gathering. DATE: Sunday, July 19 TIME: 7 to 8:30 p.m. RSVP: Please click here to register on Eventbrite by Wednesday, July 15. The password is summer2020. Eventbrite will email you the zoom meeting info, meeting ID and Password once you register and we will send it to you again before the gathering. SAVE THE DATE - WINTER POTLUCK
DATE: Sunday, January 19, 2020 TIME: 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. PLACE: The home of Linda Roth, 4019 Lorcum Lane, Arlington, Virginia 22207 PRICE: Free, bring an appetizer, entree, or dessert to share. We will send out a link soon where you can register through SignUpGenius to let us know you can come and what you would like to bring. DIRECTIONS: Linda's home is located at the intersection of Randolph Road and Lorcom Lane. There is street parking on Lorcom Lane, and an entrance by the gate that leads directly to the kitchen. There is also street parking on Randolph Road where the front door is, close to the dining room. Both entrances are good to use. METRO: The closest metro stop is Virginia Square. From there walk .4 mile to North Quincy Street and 10th Street North. Take the #53A Bus towards East Falls Church Metro. Get off at Military Road and North Lorcom Lane. Walk .1 mile to the intersection of Lorcom Lane and Randolph Road. Please join us for an evening of good food, fun and camaraderie! Please bring your favorite ready-to- serve "al fresco" appetizer, main entree, salad, dessert, wine or non-alcoholic beverage.
Please let us know that you can come and what you are bringing by signing up below. DATE: Sunday, July 21 TIME: 5:00 p.m. (3:00-4:45 p.m. joint board meeting with incoming and outgoing board members) PLACE: At the home of Katherine Newell Smith, 5525 Devon Road, Bethesda, MD 20817. Tel. (301) 907-7590 Ample street parking. RSVP: Click here to let us know that you can come and tell us what you would like to bring. METRO DIRECTIONS: Bethesda metro station, take bus #36 towards Bradley Boulevard/Connelly School and get off at the Bradley Boulevard and Cornish Road stop (5 minute ride). Walk one block along Bradley towards Devon Road, turn right, house is 5th on left with periwinkle blue door. SISTER DAMES, PLEASE JOIN US AT OUR ANNUAL LDE-DC HOLIDAY POTLUCK! Linda Roth has graciously offered her home to us on Sunday, December 16, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. to celebrate the holiday together! DATE: Sunday, December 16, 2018 TIME: 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. PLACE: The home of Linda Roth, 4019 Lorcum Lane, Arlington, Virginia 22207 PRICE: Free, bring an appetizer, entree, or dessert to share RSVP: Click here to register through SignUpGenius to let us know you can come and what you would like to bring. DIRECTIONS: Linda's home is located at the intersection of Randolph Road and Lorcom Lane. There is street parking on Lorcom Lane, and an entrance by the gate that leads directly to the kitchen. There is also street parking on Randolph Road where the front door is, close to the dining room. Both entrances are good to use. METRO: The closest metro stop is Virginia Square. From there walk .4 mile to North Quincy Street and 10th Street North. Take the #53A Bus towards East Falls Church Metro. Get off at Military Road and North Lorcom Lane. Walk .1 mile to the intersection of Lorcom Lane and Randolph Road. |
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